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Would you like to join a community of heart-centred Entrepreneurs who truly get what it's like to run your own business?

 Perhaps you are looking for a tribe you can learn from and who you can share your expertise with?

  • Private Community for Heart-Centred Entrepreneurs
  • Monthly Coaching Calls for Personal Development
  • Masterclasses to grow your business
  • Networking with like-minded entrepreneurs
  • Virtual Co-Working Spaces
  • Feel that you belong to a group of extraordinary human beings who want to make a difference just like you. 
  • Exclusive Library of mini-courses
  • Creating contacts and increasing your network. 
  • ONLY €8.88 per month!
  • This is a monthly subscription. You are free to cancel at any time. 
Membership is currently closed. Get on the waiting list

What exactly is a

superpreneur = entrepreneur connected to their super power

I love analogies! Do you? and my subconscious has an amazing ability to give me information in analogies and symbols and things that make more sense to my heart than my head! 

So when I ask you what do you think a SuperPreneur is… and you answer from your “head” what does that answer sound like? It might sound like a ridiculous made-up word and just a silly play on the word “entrepreneur” (which it is…) 


If I ask you to answer from your “heart” what does that answer sound like?

This is where the essence of the word SuperPreneur is born… 

Heart, Inspiration, Passion and Purpose. 

  • A SuperPreneur is an entrepreneur, business owner, or wannabe entrepreneur who wants to be of service to others. 
  • They have a sense of adventure and believe there is more to life than working to pay bills. They are passionate about a topic or skill that they want to share with others. 
  • They believe they can and want to make a difference in this world. 
  • They are learning about their Super Powers or are already connected to their Super Powers (which is their unique gifts and talents) 
  • They value and respect money, but also believe that it is not the only currency. There are more ways you can become successful and fulfilled in life by doing the thing that you love to do. 
  • A SuperPreneur believes in the path of least resistance and wants to move into life with ease and flow and away from struggle and being stuck. 
  • Self Care and Well-being are as important to them as it is to looking after the people and clients around them. 
  • Equally, Personal Growth is as important to them as brushing their teeth! 
  • Making a difference is as important as making money. 
  • Learning how to “Bend Space and Time” is crucial to their well-being and their success in their business. 
  • They value their energy and emotional health as much as their physical health. They realise that their vibe attracts their tribe and ideal clients. 

Ways you can go from...


SuperPreneur Academy

Monthly or Annual membership for heart-centred entrepreneurs and business owners who want to belong to a private group where personal growth and business growth is at the centre. Being Self-employed can be a lonesome journey and Belonging, Community and Support are at the forefront of what you need. Learn, Grow and Support

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SuperPreneur Coaching Program

12-Week Journey that will give you clarity around what you want to create and share with the world, but also who exactly you want to share it with and how to create predictable transformations for your ideal clients. Together we create a firm foundation and plan for you to take action. We look at three important areas for you to develop while creating your online business - Who, What and How. 

Find out more


SuperPreneur Mastermind

Monthly or Annual membership for SuperPreneurs who have clarity around their dream, their gift, and now they want help building a thriving livelihood by sharing their gift to help others online or offline. We focus on How to bring your dream to life and the actions to take to make it happen. Build your tribe with the support and wisdom of other SuperPreneurs. 

Find out more

You have additional support throughout

Private SuperPreneur Community
Private WhatsApp Groups
Monthly Coaching Calls

Meet Jo-Anne... Your Transpersonal Therapist | Coach | Kajabi Ninja

You are probably wondering... Who am I? And why am I qualified to help you on this journey?

I'm so glad you have landed on this page :) I believe that people cross paths when they are meant to, and when they do, it is up to them to be open to the learning each brings to their perspective journeys... Okay...okay... before you think... "oh no! another one of those people who are all about hippie beliefs and love-and-light..." let me tell you little bit more about me. 

I've been in private practice since 2009, and have built a successful psychotherapy and sound therapy practice since... AND during this time I have encountered most if not all the pitfalls of having your own business as well as juggling having a successful online presence. 

I have pivoted my business online in the last couple of years, so that I can concentrate on the core values of my business. And I love helping other business owners create and sustain successful businesses online too. 

So I love to help my clients with both... Growing themselves and Growing their businesses! I love love love helping you find and overcome the blocks that are stopping you from expanding your business or stopping you from taking that big brave plunge into your dream. I also specialise in helping entrepreneurs like you to create a thriving online business and automated system on a world-class online platform. 

Find out more about me here...