Your Support

Support for you the business owner

Let's face it... running a business is full of ups and downs and comes with its own unique challenges. 

With a background in Psychology, Psychotherapy and Sound Therapy I aim to support my clients in the struggles and challenges they encounter as business owners. 

Through Hummingbird Mentoring I offer a few options as support to online business owners and those in private practice:

1:1 Coaching and Mentoring Sessions

A Mastermind for online business owners

I am passionate about helping my clients to grow themselves in order to grow their businesses, and create a life and business that they love! 

If we have not worked together, please book a 45 minute alignment call with me first, so that we can establish whether I am a good fit for you as a therapist/coach and if I can help with your current situation or what you might need. 

Book an Alignment Call with Jo-Anne

The Support You Need

In the way you need it

Book a 1:1 Session

I am an accredited transpersonal therapist and sound therapist, and passionate about supporting my clients in a way that suits them. Online or Sound Healing in person.

Choose Your Appointment

Community Support

The SuperPreneur Academy is a private membership group for online business owners. The primary focus is personal development and community support. 

Find Out More


Unique private group of heart-centred business owners, who create transformations for their dream clients. You do not have to figure it out alone! 

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