Are You Still In Love With What You Do?

bizlessons entrepreneur selfcare time management Jan 04, 2022 superpreneur mastermind love your business

Many of you who have been SuperPreneur journey for a while, know, that one of the Core Skills of becoming a SuperPreneur is learning how to "Attract Your Perfect Clients". One of the areas I focus on in this topic is nurturing the relationship with your clients and the importance of this. 

Nurturing a relationship with your clients, not only ensure retention but also has a ripple effect in winning new business as your clients will be happy to refer new clients to you when they are happy with the service they have received. We all do that all the time! We refer our friends and family to places we have had a lovely meal, a good movie, a hairdresser that did a really good job, a GP that is excellent at what they do etc.

So today I want to take a step back from clients and nurturing clients, and ask you "how is your relationship with your business?"

Are you still in love with what you do?

The Psychologists Erich Fromm wrote:

There is only one proof for the presence of love: the depth of the relationship, and the aliveness and strength in each person concerned; this is the fruit by which love is recognized.”

I know, you are probably wondering where is this going? But do bear with me! 

The business that you created, started from scratch, bought or inherited is like another living breathing entity in your life... I know that might sound strange... but if you were to use your imagination for just a moment... What would the state of the relationship be at this moment and time?

Do you feel excited when you think about it? Is the same passion there, then when you started your business? Are you thinking of new ways to expand the business and to bring it to the people you want to serve?

If not, why not? At what point did you fall out of love with what you do?

Eric Fromm also said of love, “It isn't a feeling, it is a practice.” 

What will it take for you to get the spark back in your business or in what you do?

Or maybe the spark is there and you want to take it to the next level! ;-)

So, I would like to share three pieces of "relationship advice" that will help you stay in a healthy relationship and in love with your business:

1. Anticipate the end of the "Honeymoon Phase"

You know, at the end of "everything is exciting and wonderful and butterflies and all of that... " That is what Eric Fromm was referring to... that Love isn't a feeling, but rather a practice... We have to learn all the intricacies of the other, and sometimes make the choice to love instead of just walking away. In your business, this might look like "end of year accounts" or "paying taxes" or "marketing your business" or whatever you do not particularly like about it, but has to be done. Approach with interest, and if you can, see it as just one of the intricacies that you are choosing to love and approach with JOY! 

2. Give each other S P A C E

Sometimes you do need to take some time out from your business... I see this over and over again with Entrepreneurs... They love what they do so much, that they can't get enough of it! They spend every waking hour working on their business, talking about their business and thinking about their business... And at some point, they start falling out of love with what they do, and they start resenting it because they are burned out! 

Make sure you take some time out and spend time with the other people you love - friends, family and maybe throw in a hobby or two... I know! Having your own business is fun! and it can be all-consuming... but trust me when I say... STEP AWAY FROM THE BUSINESS every so often... When you come back to it, with rested fresh eyes, everything looks a lot rosier... :)

3. Spend Time Together! 

I know! I just said to step away from your business, but not ALL THE TIME! Make the time you spend in and on your business, quality time! Make sure that you are rested and fully present when you are in the office, seeing clients or networking etc. 

When I say quality time, what I mean by that is... 

  • Be fully present with what you are doing.
  • Take regular breaks during your day - Time blocking is key! Take care of yourself! When you are in better shape, so will your business be.
  • Prioritise what needs to be done every day and get those urgent tasks out of the way first. This way you will stay on top of working on your business as well as in your business. 
  • Make sure you have fun - make sure you remind yourself why you are doing what you are doing. 

 May the beauty of what you LOVE, be what you do!

If you have fallen out of love with what you do, are ready to take your business to the next level, or expand what you do, have a look at the SuperPreneur Coaching Program. You are welcome to apply for the next group if you wish to refuel your passion for your business. 

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