Brígid - Patron Saint of Entrepreneurs?

entrepreneur Feb 01, 2021 brigid of ireland entrepreneurs

Happy Imbolc! Happy Brígid’s day! 

This is one of my favourite Celtic Celebration days! and I have a really lovely connection to the character that was Brígid of Ireland!

I have to say if I had to choose a “Patron Saint form my business” it will probably be Brígid! Formidable character, and definitely fierce and creative entrepreneur! 

Born in a time of great transition in Ireland in the 5th Century (I stand corrected) she is still very much celebrated today, in both worlds - pre-Christian Celtic traditions and Christian traditions, as Goddess and as Saint. 

She embraced equality and clearly demonstrates this with her brave move as a woman back then to ask for land from the King. Her “double monastery” in Kildare was for both men and women. And was acclaimed as a centre of education, pilgrimage, worship and hospitality, until the 16th century. 

She is known as a patron saint of Poets, Blacksmiths, Creativity, Printing Presses, Sailors, Fugitives and Scholars, and Workers just to name a few! 

Can you imagine how moved and inspired she would’ve been hearing Amanda Gorman’s beautifully poetic words from within her yellow coat! 

Today I want to honour the legacy of Brígid! And I want to add to her patron list! Patron Saint of Entrepreneurs! As keeper of the flame, she inspires us to keep the inner flame lit and burning brightly, serving others bravely with our creativity!

Image Credit: Brigid of Faughart Mural created in Bridge Street, Dundalk

#brigid #imbolc #entrepreneur #keeperoftheflame #creativity #letgetintuit 

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