Finding Your Voice - Chat with Lucia Guerin

entrepreneur podcast Mar 01, 2022

This is a chat recorded for an episode of the Let's get Intū:it Coaching Podcast! with Lucia Guerin. We talk about "Finding our Voice", the voice of our intuition 💖 and so much more! 

Lucia in short... is a healer... passionate about helping people to find more freedom, balance and peace in their lives.  She offers a myriad of modalities that bring healing medicine to her clients. Sound Healing, Breathwork, Voice Work, Yoga and Poetry Medicine. 

Come and join in on the chat, where Lucia shares so generously and openly about her journey as an entrepreneur and medicine woman! 

If you would like to know more about Lucia and her upcoming Voice and Sound Workshops please visit her website at and find her Events Tab, where she has all of her upcoming events listed. 

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