Your Tribe

Jul 08, 2018

I am currently sitting at a large dining room table in a beautiful location in the Dingle Peninsula, overlooking a very peaceful garden, listening to the birds singing their joyful song. It is overcast and slightly cooler today, which is welcome reprieve and balance to all that glorious sunshine!

I was up early this morning, reading one of my favourite authors... The whole theme around Tribe and Community came up for me once again... its importance and how it impacts us on so many levels... When I looked up, this furry threesome was looking at me from across the room. :-)

John Rohn famously said... "We become the 5 people we spend most of our time with... " and I would agree, you very clearly see the impact of this, among anyone who finds themselves in the throes of adolescence and figuring out who they are... their peer groups have a massive influence on who they are, what they like/dislike and so on... and this aspect of community is certainly very important and we do need to be mindful of who and what kind of content we spend our time with... and this leads me to the other really important aspect of community or belonging to a Tribe...

 and that is... do they fill your cup?! This is what Rebecca Campbell was describing in her book, when she reconnected with three other women, who became a supportive "Tribe" if you like, who supported her, celebrated her and encouraged her to follow her heart and her spirit.

It made me stop and think about all the people in my life who celebrate me and encourage me to be "ME" in all my many different ways... and the people in my life who I love to encourage and support to live their "True Nature"! My cup felt full when I reflected on the people in my life who have become my "Tribe" in a sense... and this does not mean it is always sparkles and fairy dust... Sometimes the ones in my Tribe really challenge me to my core... Makes me take another or a closer look at the shadows that lurk under the surface... so that it can be brought to the light for healing or sometimes just acceptance and to be loved by me...

To have those in your Tribe that fills your cup, help you wash out your cup and help you to fill it again... is a priceless gift! And I want to encourage you... if you do not have a Tribe as such, make it your business to find one. We might think these Tribes are our families of origin, and most likely they are, but sometimes they are not, and this is okay, and to be accepted... but it also does not mean you are "tribeless"... You can find a tribe of like souls where you belong, who reflect your truth and helps you to grow more and more into your True Nature.

Since I started doing more work online, I have also come to realise that these Tribes and Communities can be found online also. Cyberspace indeed can become Sacred Space. You belong in a loving tribe somewhere, and they are more than likely much closer than you think.

May you walk in beauty and in love today,

from my heart to yours,

Jo-Anne x

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