Chat with Debbie Beirne

entrepreneur podcast May 01, 2022

Welcome and Bealtaine Blessings to everyone who celebrates. May the season of Bealtaine ignite your passions and adventures!

This chat is with the totally awesome Debbie Beirne from Rúach Rhythms. 

I don’t even know where to start with Debbie… we go back a long time. I met Debbie Beirne at a Wise Woman weekend, where she was running an African Drumming Workshop and in truth that was my only reason for attending the weekend.

I had a burning desire to start playing the African Drums and started putting the call out there.

I wanted a teacher/facilitator to help me create this connection with the African Drum. Little did I know where this journey would lead me at the time!

Debbie has lived a very colourful life! To me, she would always be the drumming queen, but there is a lot more to Debbie than her drums. She is an extraordinary facilitator, a multi-passionate entrepreneur and human being!

Enjoy the chat!

And if you would like to get in touch with Debbie or Rúach Rhythms, check out her website at: 

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